Friday, January 29, 2010

Week # 14 - 11/17/09

So I had a bit of an issue figuring out who I wanted to feature this week (I have been stuck watching stupid Foamy The Squirrel Videos on YouTube…Addict now!). I finally settled on The Airborne Toxic Event and Anya Marina.

Airborne: Epic indie rockers founded by former journalist and up-and-coming novelist Mikel Jollett after the worst week of his life. During seven days in March 2006, Jollett’s mother was diagnosed with cancer, he learnt he was suffering from a potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease, and his long-term girlfriend left him. He says, “I just didn’t care anymore. I thought, maybe I’ll pay my rent, maybe I won’t, but what I am going to do is start a fucking rock band.” Jollett’s tales of death, depression and being dumped might suggest melancholy music, but the band write strangely uplifting songs that range from the dark tale of a late-night cuckolding, “Sometime Around Midnight,” to “Gasoline,” a sparky rocker Jollett introduces onstage as a “hymn to teenage sex.” (Q Magazine, writer Mic Wright, March 2009)

Marina: Originally from Ann Arbor MI this modern day Renaissance woman, actress, comic, disc jockey, and songwriter.  She broke out with her singing carrier after the radio station she worked at in San Diego was bought out by another company. Her uniquely breathy vocals and talented writing skills got her started around 2004 and she has recently released her second album Slow & Steady Seduction: Phase II.

I hope you enjoy the selection for this week.

The Airborne Toxic Event - Sometime Around Midnight

Anya Marina - Satellite Heart