Friday, January 29, 2010

Week #5- 09/14/09

Welcome to Week 5 of NMT. I am just going to jump into things this week. I have Vampire Weekend and The New Pornographers for you to listen to this week. Both groups are very unique and you will either really like them or not.

Vampire Weekend is a carefree emo pop group from NYC that has a bit of a ska, afro-pop inspired melodies sound. I found out about these guys from the soundtrack of Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist. The group formed up in early 2006 while studing at Columbia University. They started out as a college band playing local bars and school auditoriums. Then buzz started to get around and the bands popularity hit a peak in 2007 and the band embarked on their biggest tour yet that summer. They were soon after signed to a major label and have since released two albums. Songs I recommend for listen other that posted song are: A-Punk and Oxford Comma. Check these guys out and let me know what you think. Yea or Nay?

Vampire Weekend - The Kids Don't Stand A Chance

The New Pornographers, are a Vancouver indi rock “Supergroup” with members from other popular Canadian groups like Zumpano, Evaporators and Destroyer. This group actually started up in 1997, but after several on-again / off-again merry-go-rounds, the group finally was able to get a debut album; Mass Romantic, out in 2000. Then the merry-go-round process started back up with all the members spending time with their other bands. But they somehow found time to get back in the studio to work on their follow-up album, Twin Cinema in 2005. The selection I have for you today came from the groups third album, Challengers, that was released in 2007. And if you like The New Pornographers then check out Neko Case. She is the female voice of the group. If you like TNP you might like her as well.

The New Pornographers - Challengers

-- someone asked for more music from Vampire Weekend, so here are two more songs--

Vampire Weekend - Oxford Comma

Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwass Kwass